~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~

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~First Contact & the Integration Protocol~

Greetings Brothers and Sisters.


I received the following message from my source, Alpha Ship 102.

First contact is a multidimensional event operating beyond levels of human comprehension. The Ashtar Command acts as 'guardian body' of this operation to ensure and uphold the Principle of Free Will for all individual Souls involved in the Harvest.

Initially there will be direct contact with certain groups and individuals by their Star Families. These Terran Eagles will act as wayshowers, teachers and mentors to their earthly Brothers and Sisters enabling open Federation interaction with society without causing 'shock and awe', or in any way provoking a negative reaction.

~Down with Fat Cats: The Dogs of Wall Street~BRILLIANT~

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~Down with Fat Cats: The Dogs of Wall Street~



2011 October 21
Posted by Steve Beckow

Man’s best friend says it all. Thanks to Ross.

The Dogs Of Occupy Wall Street

Thursday, October 20, 2011


It’s not fair that 99 percent of the dogs have 1 percent of the bones! Or wait, the other way around! Woof! But a number of the protesters have brought along some furry support. The four-legged kind are in on this, too. Here are dogs that have taken to the streets to protest against corporate greed. Dogs are part of the 99% too!




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~A Letter from The Creators with Love For Humanity, as Humanity ends this cycle of duality~



~ All Find the Light, and all enter Heaven~


~10~21~11~~Bases, Bridges, and Global Dissent~

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~Bases, Bridges, and Global Dissent~




2011 October 21
with Steve Beckow

Kees de Graaf has put together a nice montage that mixes in commentary on the closure of the underground bases and defeat of the attempts to wire and blow up bridges, together with photos of the huge crowds of demonstrators at Occupy Together protests around the world. Thanks to Fay.

It’s Happening!

Two major happenings are going on at the moment. While the #Occupy movement is emerging all over the planet, the Galactic Federation is shutting down underground bases of the Dark Cabal. In other words: the people on Earth are rising up, and our galactic friends are coming down. It’s just a matter of time before they come together!

Occupy Wall Street, USA

Occupy Wall Street, USA

*Occupy the Future: A New Generation Reaches for the Emergency Brake* by Dave Oswald Mitchell ~RevolutionCalling555~

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*Occupy the Future: A New Generation Reaches for the Emergency Brake* by Dave Oswald Mitchell




When students take to the streets of Paris or London today, it is no longer to bring about a better world, but to defend what they can of the world their parents took for granted. — Dougald Hine, ‘Remember the Future?’,Dark Mountain II





If someone has compiled an Occupy Wall Street reading list, investigative journalist Matt Taibbi’s book Griftopia is surely on it. Taibbi argues: “The financial leaders of America and their political servants have seemingly reached the cynical conclusion that our society is not worth saving and have taken on a new mission that involves not creating wealth for all, but simply absconding with whatever wealth remains in our hollowed-out economy.”

~Life is Changing Rapidly...Movement Has Begun in Earnest~ ~10~21~11

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To say we are in the most extraordinary of times would be an understatement! I have been given one of the greatest seats to the greatest show on earth... You!!

I look back at the last 6 years of my own work via massage... I have connected to humanities deepest wounds and yet, one common theme remained no matter who was on my table and what their illness may have been. This was their grandness beneath their hurt, their pain. I had watched so many people over the year being given the greatest opportunities to change their life, to heal their pain, to live life fully, yet... 95% of the time... people just lived within their familiar space, even if it was eating them alive.

~~Weekly LightBlast: Being One With Life~

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~Weekly LightBlast: Being One With Life~




~Galactic Love Reporter Jamye Price~



We are moving into alignment with our Fullness. This is a process of expansion; expansion of knowledge, expansion of perception, expansion of compassion. The middle road expands to contain All. This could be called integration, inclusion, understanding or Oneness. We are opening to see the Whole picture, the unseen, the potential, the unity that contains the separation. The Divine Balance, the Sacred Marriage. It is within you, it is all around you. You are unique, whole unto yourself and united with All Life. As we progress the expansion, the connection through time, we are culminating to specific markers, like a graduation or a marriage is just a ceremony, yet it has effect and all that leads up to it progresses through steps. It is the way of nature, and we as Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds and most importantly, humans; are becoming our True Nature.


~The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “We are Sending you the Logos in Increased Purity”~

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The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “We are Sending you the Logos in Increased Purity”

Posted on October 20, 2011 by Wes Annac

Our Loving Creator has blessed you all with many purity increases of the energy being sent to your world. This energy is manifesting through various different plants and stones. Some of these plants are arriving as new species that your current mainstream science is scrambling to identity as so many new species continue to pop up. This is a Divine manifestation of the energy at work on your world, and this energy is what has been brining you up dear souls. We notice many of you wondering what this energy that is so frequently talked about actually is, and we would like to clarify that now. This energy is pure Love and Light, and is in fact the energy that creates and maintains your reality and your bodies. This energy is being sent to you in an increasingly pure resonance, which is something that has been discussed before.


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