~Not Everyone Wants You to be Joyful~
Dear Ones,
Let us touch upon a subject we have alluded to previously in preparation for the energy activities of the next few weeks. The New Age/new earth is about love and joy. Fear is no longer the key element in your New Age being. You are shifting and morphing into a being of sunshine. Not that fear will disappear, it will merely be as fleeting as joy was in the Old Age.
Not everyone will be pleased with your new sunny demeanor. Some of the people you care about most, including friends, relatives and co-workers, will not want you to be happy. For when you claim your happiness, they will feel isolated.
Some of you have lived with or known others who are chemically dependent. Have you noticed that when the chemically dependent person stops using, those closest to the chemically dependent person often encourage them to return to their chemicals?