~We are one family,
from One Divine Mother!~
She who birthed the seed
of the Universe
birthed woman who gave birth
to each
of us,
without this Divine Feminine
none of this dance would exist.
On this holy day of celebrating
the Divine Mother, let our exaltations
ring loud! A call goes out for every
day to be hailed as another victory
for our Beloved who birthed us all
into being, simply to demonstrate
love incarnate.
May you and yours always be
aware of whence you came from
She who birthed your mother and
all mothers.
Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!
Each day a newborn awakens
so that we can remember our Source.
All blessings to you Divine Mother,
in your love and grace, we are each one
birthed anew day by glorious day.
(c) Paul Goldman April 2009 All Rights Reserved
from the book Wild Joy:Ruminations
Wild Joy: The Ecstatic Poetry of Paul Goldman
[book cover photography by John Mutrux]