~Extra-Terrestrial Life – Why Are We Reluctant to Believe? ~ Dr. Linda Steiner

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Billy Meier's Pleiadian mentor, Semjase

Extra-Terrestrial Life – Why Are We Reluctant to Believe?

Posted on April 28, 2011 by Love Reporter Dr. Linda Steiner http://drlinsteiner.wordpress.com

The wide variety of social forces that have conditioned human perception toward the nonexistence of extra-terrestrial life are far too many to effectively address in this column – but when viewed in totality – it appears as though human interpretation of religious scriptures, science-fiction propaganda, and wide spread ignorance and cultivated fear have combined to render our collective belief in the existence of ETs as implausible, at best. But are these socially constructed conclusions reasonable and accurate when viewed from a scientific or metaphysical standpoint?

~Join in, BE ONE of 144,000 hearts, collective activation~

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~Join in, BE ONE of 144,000 hearts, collective activation~


This is an important message to all Star Seeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Shamans, Light warriors, and all people of Love. The time has come for us to unite our hearts and create one rhythmic frequency that activates the 144,000 crystalline grid. It started today April 26 and will run until May 26. This activation is not about receiving, it is about BEING and through this BEING you assist in facilitating another level of the planetary ascension.

There are more than enough mental distractions on Earth at this time. Many are formulated to do just that, distract us from the task at hand. What is this task you may ask? The answer is simple, it is to BE OURSELVES. To BE our true identity beyond the illusion created by the ego. WE are the individual sparks of Light that creates the flame of transformation and brings forth change.


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I am Jesus of Nazareth. It is with great honor that I come to speak with my beloved today.

There are many wonderful and exciting things happening on earth today. Many people are beginning to feel the energy of Mother and Father God. More and more people are beginning to reawaken to their Soul. This will be a great time for human beings as many will be able expand their consciousness. This has always been the will of Mother and Father God for you. Their will has always been for you to have faith and consciousness. The time will come when all will have faith and consciousness.

The days and months ahead are an important for all human beings. There will be great advancements in this spiritual reawakening and this is why it is such a wonderful and exciting time. So many human beings are beginning to feel the urgings of their Soul and to read the signs their Soul is sending to them. More and more people are finding the connection to Mother and Father god through their heart. They are beginning to recognize the great creative power that they have within them.

~Archea FAITH and MICHAEL ~~ The Coming Announcments~ FIRST CONTACT Part 3~

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~Archea FAITH and MICHAEL ~~ The Coming Announcments~ FIRST CONTACT Part 3~


FAITH: Michael and I Greet You, Our Beloved Souls, Once Again In Pure LOVE and Joy To Be Able To Release To You All This Third Part Of Our VERY IMPORTANT Message Regarding The Upcoming Announcements and FULL DISCLOSURE Of The "E.T."~Galactic Federation of Light's Presence AND The First Contact Now SO CLOSE AT HAND!!!


Michael: As My Beloved Faith Has Just Said, There Is ALOT MORE That We Have To Discuss With You All. I Will First Begin My Part Of This Message By COMMENDING EACH and EVERY ONE Of You, Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters, For Your STRENGTH, Your PATIENCE During All Of The Upheavals and CHOAS and Your GLORY-OUS DETERMINATION To Bring About This HISTORIC FIRST CONTACT Mission As SEAMLESSLY and PEACE-FULLY As Possible.


~Even if we like to pretend alot, we deep down know... we know God......~

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~Even if we like to pretend alot, we deep down know... we know God......~

Beloved Michael and Mary,


we love you for all your concerns and kindness coming from your words. Please, do not be concerned in any way that we, humans will misjudge or misunderstand your First Contact as anything else by pure and genuine help and awakening process toward Ascension...


Have faith in us, as even we like to pretend a lot, we deep down know, we know God, as we feel that only kindness and Love is coming form the sky's, and that you are here to serve us with all the God's love that He created here for all of us....


We are so honored that You, Galactic and Angelic beings of Light are so patient and concern how we are going to handle this long professed event.... We cannot wait, we are so ready to accept you, and your love, and your help....

ELESTE and FAITH--Earthquakes and pop-up storms and Huge Changes! OH MY!~

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ELESTE and FAITH--Earthquakes and pop-up storms and Huge Changes~oh




ELESTE and FAITH:  Beloveds we are here to speak to you about various topics that are currently ongoing on this planet.With so many rumours and fear mongering being thrown about , it is time for us to step fowards and try to tell you that there is nothing to fear. Whilst we understand that you are human and that there is much misinformation and deliberate DIS-information being pummeled about out there, that it is confusing TO SAY THE LEAST!


Pop-up Storm System

FAITH: Beloved souls as my physical incarnation happens to be in the middle of the pop-up storm systems in the US, I understand the fear very well. To all those who cry 'HAARP' everytime a pop-up storm appears, I simply say this: IT IS SPRINGTIME, this is completely normal at this time of year in the states. I have a suggestion, look back at your weather records for springtime storms, and you will see this long before even HAARP was created, this has been occurring.


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April 28th, 2011

The energy that surrounds you at any given time, is always, always a reflection of what you are thinking and feeling. We know that there is so much going on in the world today that it can be difficult for you to bring yourself back to your center and recognize that all that is around is a reflection of that which is within you. Now is the perfect time for us to remind you that you can go within to create peace around you.

Everything that you see, you experience, you feel in your external world is always a reflection of what you are feeling in your inside world. You can easily experience peace and tranquility around you if you choose to focus on peace and tranquility. The single and most important thing that you can do to help Mother Earth and the people and beings of your planet is to create peace, harmony and love there. As human beings who are having a very physical experience, you tend to react in seeing all that is around you and want to change it. The more you want it to be something different than what it is, the more it becomes an even larger display of what you do not want. We can tell you without doubt that you can change the world around you, but you cannot do so from the outside. You can only do this from the inside, from the inside of you.

~The Alchemy of Remembering the Origin of Joy~ ~ LOVE REPORTER Meredith Murphy~

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~Wednesday, 27 April, 2011~


~The Alchemy of Remembering the Origin of Joy~

From Source Creation, you are born.  This explosive and joyful impulse informs your basic energy pattern with an energy of joy.  It is available and ever-present in your being at all moments, like right now!  This incoming, pervasive quality of appreciation and love for you is elemental to your existence—it always has been, always will be.  This is the framework to live from.

Let us begin.


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