April Energy Forecast - Awakening the Senses
Fear is high in people right now and this fear is proving constructive or destructive in peoples lives and behaviours. Anger and fighting are being explored by some, feeling numb or numbing the self is also present as an energy, and for many accelerated Anxiety is being quickly followed by accelerated Joy.
These symptoms are due to the high levels of fear moving through the world. This is causing an awakening of the senses in people at an all new level.
The first senses that needed to clear out in many are those that relate to the lower chakras. Fear is strongly rooted in our bodies at physical and emotional levels. But when you open to the roots of a fear you are carrying, a release can occur. So the release of fear will be a continuing theme in April, as was dramatically catalysed across the world in March with the biggest focus being Japan.
Most of us are programmed to fear 2 things in particular as humans: Death and Pain.
The survival instinct is strong in our minds and motivations and it rises in the shadows of our fears.