Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/3/12 ‘Improving Dream State Communications’

Greg_ Giles's picture

Let us begin today by saying that we appreciate all the efforts that many of you are making to treat each other a little better, a little more respectfully, politely, kindly, considerably, gently, and say to you your efforts are very much appreciated and will take you all very far as a collective and as individuals as well, as not much can be done in the ways of advancement until a being learns and demonstrates how to properly communicate with others in the manner in which they deserve and need to be treated.


So many possibilities open for you like doors being pushed open by a spring breeze when you first begin to show the signs that you are making a concerted effort to keep other’s feelings in mind when you are communicating with them in any way, either in person, on the telephone, or through any electronic means, as it does not matter in which way you are communicating with another as words can cut through like a knife any forms of communication and hurt and even scar another individual. Do you understand this? Do you understand that words, even though they cannot touch another person physically, can reach another in so many different ways and do harmful damage just as if you were taking your hand, making a fist and striking an individual?


Another $200 million for the Pentagon up in smoke?

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by RTAmerica

While social programs are being scrapped across the board, expenses for the Pentagon are exploding more than ever. The US spends several times over what China spends on their military, but few speak out in favor of cutting in. More than $200 dollars has been spent on training police forces in Iraq. Is tax money actually being spent on anything being asked for? Author Michael O'Brien discusses.
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Source: YouTube.com

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/2/12 ‘Bermuda Triangle Seawall’

Greg_ Giles's picture

One of the tasks that we have come here to help you accomplish is the building of bridges between yourselves, how you see yourselves, how you treat yourselves, how you treat each other and how you can overcome years of separation through war and economic competition. We have come here as bridge builders, to help you overcome what has been for you a great deal of separation, frustration and even anger and hostility towards one another as you struggled to survive here in a highly competitive environment. One of the reasons why we encourage you so strongly to do what it is you can to better get along with each other throughout your online communities is because your Internet is one of the tools that we are utilizing to build these bridges. The people that you are interacting with, no matter where it is in the world they live, are representatives of peoples you may have had difficulties getting along with in the past, not only here on your planet, but in other places throughout this universe as well.


Chick-fil-A 'Appreciation Day' Vs National Same-Sex Kiss Day

Rain's picture

Published on Aug 1, 2012 by TheYoungTurks

"Nearly 600,000 people have confirmed their participation in Mike Huckabee's Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, per the event's Facebook page. The former Arkansas governor and Baptist minister organized the event to express support for the fast-food chain in the aftermath of backlash sustained due to anti-marriage-equality remarks made by Chick-fil-A's president and COO Dan Cathy...".* Will 'National Same-Sex Kiss Day', organized by GLAAD as a counter-protest, do as well? Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.

Source: YouTube.com

Message from the Ashtar Command 8/1/12 ‘Meeting Notification & Golden Rule’

Greg_ Giles's picture


Stirring into the mix of your reality are aspects of yourselves, of your lives that you may begin to feel are not necessary or positive ingredients to your new world and your new lives. These are lower aspects of yourselves that cling onto you as if they need a host body to survive, and it is you, in your weaker states, your weaker moments that provide these aspects of yourself the energy that fuels their prolonged survival. You do not need these lower aspects of yourself to learn from them any longer, as you have reached a point where their lower vibrations now only serve to weigh you down and keep you bogged down in a lower dimensional state than the dimensional state that now fits you more suitably.


You are being called now back to your higher state, your higher self, and unwanted and unneeded aspects of your lower dimensional journey are not invited, are not called, are not necessary any longer for you as a learning tool and to measure yourself on your progress and your development. Do you understand, dear ones, that there are aspects of yourselves that no longer serve your higher good, and therefore it is well the time that they are cut loose, shed, discarded, forgotten and left behind? Do you also feel the time has come for you to shed these layers of your third dimensional skin, just as your mother planet is also shedding the layers of her 3rd dimensional skin? As above, so below, the macrocosm to the microcosm, and so on.



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