Your new paradigm is being created through your interactions throughout your online social networks. This was the vision decided upon by those who design and build new worlds throughout this universe. You have been told all along that you were co-creating your new Earth by your thoughts and actions each day, and this was not merely poetic license. You, each of you, are literally creating your new world with the building blocks of creation you have been given. The tools with which you are utilizing to build your new dream world are your computers, your social networks, and your visions, imaginations, thoughts, intentions, words, pictures, videos, stories, and most importantly, the manner in which you interact which each other.
As each day passes, we see your new world being created by you, even as you cannot yet see the progress of your blossoming creation. We can say to you that your new world is coming along absolutely beautifully, with gorgeous colors and breathtaking landscapes, and we can hardly wait for you all to see the child you are co-creating together.
Your new home will be a wonderland, rich in its tapestries of natural treasures, pure in its life springs of water and air, and will ever remain unpolluted by those of the dark nature. Your new world will be yours to cherish and safeguard from harm, to enjoy and to prosper, and it will be yours in the days ahead upon your ascension into your new beginning. Continue into each and every day with the understanding that you are building your new home with each interaction with each other, and your new world will continue to blossom into the gorgeous paradise we see growing before our eyes today.