
Portals open and Activated - Protection, Purifying, Healing, Resotring Memory

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Portal was opened and activated for protection for Grid,planet, humanity,

Portal opened and activated to healing through grid, to send healing for Gaia, humanity

Portal open and activated to restore memory for Gaia, humanity.


Installed New Frequency  into Grid to purify and raise vibration of Gaia, Humanity

New Up Grades to Gaia and Humanity! Get Ready to let the Love in.

lynmarie8's picture

September / 30 /2012

Prep work done on Gaia for Planetary work to be done in October By Sayuri Lapoint and LynMarie , Rick 3:30 pm

Activations done on planet today:

Opened portal of Love,  Peace, appreciation, gratitude.

Brought in Love, Peace, appreciation, gratitude for all of humanity who were open to receive and Gaia.  This was also integrated with earth, galactic, sun, and source.

The Dark energy’s were commanded off planet today and will this be enforced!

The Dark ones are creating confusion as they struggle to hold on to you and Gaia. You need to stay focused and on your path or you will miss opportunity into new world.

The crystals have been active and awakened below the earth.

The Crystal chambers are now connected to core of Gaia, Core of galactic, cord of sun, core of source.

The Feminine energy has been awakened on Gaia

The Crystal Grids for Gaia, galactic core, sun, source are activated and intergraded.

Blessing for all to receive Now.


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