We are movers and we are shakers, universal in size and scope. We come to worlds that we feel could benefit from our assistance with big ideas on our minds, big plans, big dreams and big hopes for a better world for those we have come to with offers of our assistance. We have come to your world with a vision for a bright new start for all of you and for your mother planet as well. What we have planned for you is something so spectacular, so beautiful, so enormous that it will indeed take some time to complete, but even in the early stages of all the plans that we have for you we feel you will reap at least a few benefits from our presence here and our willingness to offer you our assistance, our manpower, our technologies and wisdom.
Many of you with eyes that see look around you and see a world that has surely hit a dead end stop, for your eyes have vision, they have clarity, they see what others do not see, others cannot see, others will not see, for some others are not yet prepared to see, do you see? Not everyone has reached the same level of evolution as some of the others. That's all. This is not a war between those awakened, those un-awakened and all those somewhere in between. You are all friends, neighbors and family. You are all in this together, and you have all been in this together for a very, very long time. If you understood how long many of you have indeed been neighbors, family and friends on this long and what seemed a very isolated, dark and dangerous journey, we feel you would all begin to treat each other a little differently, better than some of you are treating others at this time.