We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

Photo of Cloud Ships Will Harader
There is nothing new to report at this time, the Dark Cabal are continuing to be rounded up.
Keep an eye on your News programmes to see for yourself that these occurrences are actually taking place.
However, we would just like to make clear something that has recently been brought to our attention. There seems to be quite a bit of dispute between the inhabitants of Earth who have awakened feeling that they are here to undertake their missions by themselves with no outside assistance, and those who are welcoming our offer of help and support.
Yes, you all signed contracts agreeing to come to Earth to assist with the Earths ascension to the 5th dimension, but it was always a role of assisting. We would not send you all to Earth, unawakened and unaware, and expect you all to just fend for yourselves.