We are the guardians of light. We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.
It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more. Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.
Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you. Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts. It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.
Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be Your Divine Truth ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 21, 2012
AA Michael and the Company of Heaven:
Hello beloveds. We come before you today to speak of Truth again. It is a highly used topic in your World. Everyone is searching for the Truth.
The Truth we refer to here is, and you guessed it, the Truth of the Heart. Many are experiencing changes, and so the truth feels like it is illusive, at best. Do not despair. You are going deeper into your Heart and shedding the vestiges of what truth felt like to you before, and coming up with what you know is the Truth.
You may not always trust it, dear Ones, because so much is changing. So this is why we speak to you today about it. So many changes are occurring in your Light Bodies, as we speak, and so you wonder sometimes if you really know yourselves or know what is real.