Hello … again. Yesterday we tried did we not? Yet the minute you wished me Happy Human Day, I dissolved into tears. Yesterday I was not a very happy human … today I am. So may we try again?
That is most suitable for us. Our willingness to serve is as great as many of you upon the Earth plane. We would care to address a particular matter. It has been said throughout these times that ‘channelled messages’ are ‘going out of fashion.’
From our point of view we would like to make it quite clear that we have no intention of ‘Leaving one in the lurch’. We have come to assist you in all ways that we possibly can … to bring about this Golden Age. This was an agreement between us all. Why would we suddenly decide not to continue?
I am pleased to hear that … yet it has been said that we should ‘go it alone’ and that we must ‘come from within’ and therefore would not need your help or advice.
This is perfectly correct for those who FEEL they have reached the advanced stages of their awakening.
Good morning my friends. Ok … I have a little quandary here that I am hoping you may be able to sort out and therefore decide which way we need to go. I have many write in to say that I ask you all they would ask and they feel exactly the same as I do. I also … get a few from others who say they are bored with me asking the same questions … when will I ‘get it’ and can we PLEASE move on to something interesting . So … over to you … what would be your take on the way to go?
Firstly we greet you from the depth of our Being in Love. We would gratify the situation of which you speak by reiterating that indeed we have much knowledge to impart and yet there would be little point unless the majority of you DO GET IT.
And I would say we do … yet that does not stop the yearning when looking up at the stars. This causes misunderstanding I FEEL.
I keep thinking I must do a blog … yet I really have no idea as to what topic. Enthusiasm wains these days … yet clearly not for everyone. Others seem to be completely inspired and carrying on better than ever.
It’s not that I am despondent … or perhaps it is … It’s not for the want of trying … yet everything … practically everything this year that I have put time and effort into … and enthusiasm … seems to either change course or get cancelled all together. If I didn’t find it all so funny … I’d cry!
People talk about spending more and more time in the 5th.
Nup! Not me … I’m struggling to cope with the 3rd. Yes I can feel changes yet nothing that makes me go WOW … This is it! Apparently it’s a gradual thing this Ascension lark … so very very gradual!
Well … here we go with attempt number 4! I know you are always around … yet are you around to have a chat with me?
We would answer yes.
Oh good. About time … what have you got to say for yourselves!!
We see the humour in your energy and we offer much gratitude for your perseverance. In times past we have found ourselves to be expendable and we care to say that without us ‘having chats’ you have found yourselves perfectly fine. The wisdom we chose to bring through … as you FEEL Blossom has a certain ‘ring’ to it and at times it seems you wonder what this is all for and where indeed it is leading you.
Here we are again then! Welcome my friends and I very much look forward to today’s conversation. A question I would like to ask today from a reader is "How do we use the knowledge of love, creation, thought, and free will to break free from the chains our present world has put on us and live in the world/game each and every single one of us want to live?"
Greetings from the deepest place of our Being. We would advise that although tension is amounting in many areas of your world regarding those who have not the desire to move forward … from our perspective … all is moving exactly as it should. There is a great deal taking place that is not known by many and yet we would say that we are reaching a position that allows connection to ensue and one shall find that ‘events’ soon to occur shall have the soulspirit in raptures.
WOW! That sounds all good. Apart from you using the word ‘soon’. You KNOW how so many of us FEEL about that!
Blossom: Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes ... What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!
The Federation of Light: We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.
So … one would like to know the exact position of the ‘need’ to express … in words … and would we say in different tongues?
As you would expect … it is that on many other plains and planets and vibrations ... there is no need for such things. Words are superficial in their interpretation by the individual. And although one may think they have a grasp on ‘meaning’ … much over time has been ' flattened' … in that the spoken word that once was … has now lost much of its ‘energy.'
Blossom: Good morning to you and I hope that all is well in ‘your world’.
The Federation of Light: And greetings to you. It cannot be anything other than well … for this is the space in which we reside … in wellness for all … to all. We understand from your energy Blossom that you have more questions to ask and that you are feeling a little unsure about asking such ‘big' questions. Is this not so?