Blue Starship/UFO Report


Rain's picture - by Bruce Maccabee


FIFTY YEARS AGO, during the most amazing flap of flying saucer sightings in the USA (and the world), the Air Force ALMOST admitted that at least some sightings of UFOs/saucers were sightings of objects not made here. However, when that opportunity arose during a large press conference in late July, instead of admitting that the Air Force couldn't explain all sightings and that some "high officials" were seriously considering the "interplanetary hypothesis," the Air Force (General Samford) said everything could be explained as natural phenomena, effectively slamming the lid down on the UFO subject. But what the Air Force said privately was a different matter. This report tells the story of what happened in that amazing year.


Paul Hellyer, Ex-Defence Minister, Believes In Aliens (VIDEO)

Rain's picture

The Huffington Post Canada, 6/05/13

Canada's former minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) last month in Washington D.C. that aliens are living among us and that it is likely at least two of them are working with the U.S. government.

Canada's former minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) last month in Washington D.C. that aliens are living among us and that it is likely at least two of them are working with the U.S. government.



Huffington Post Reports on Another UFO

Rain's picture

GFP Note: This is a follow-up to yesterday's post: Mysterious Shape Changing ‘Jelly Fish’ UFO Spotted over Peru


'Jellyfish UFO' Over Peru Captured By News Cameraman (VIDEO)


On May 30, 2013, a UFO was videotaped over Lima, Peru, and appeared to change into many shapes. This image shows three of those shapes.

Nuestro Pasado Extraterrestre, a Peruvian blog, suggested the UFO resembled a "balloon chain and turns out to be very similar to the numerous cases of sightings of EBANIs" (Entidad Biological Anomalous No Identificada, or translated to Unidentified Aerial Biological Entities), "because its flight would appear to be intelligent."

Mysterious Shape Changing ‘Jelly Fish’ UFO Spotted over Peru [VIDEO]

Rain's picture

International Business Times -  IBTimes Staff Reporter, 6/2/13

The year 2013 has been marked several sightings of such mysterious objects, believed to be Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Although the spotting of such objects is not uncommon, the shape and colour-altering object is something unheard of. There is no scientific explanation to these phenomena. According to UFO Sightings Daily coordinator Scott C. Waring, such sightings are common in South America.





UFO: NASA reveals Biblical-like Spacecraft

Rain's picture - 6/3/13, Edited by Raymond

A UFO enthusiast has discovered Biblical like UFO in some archived images of NASA on 1 June, 2013, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily. The report was posted on Jun 3, 2013. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan.



“This UFO was discovered in not one but two consecutive NASA archive photos by Streetcap1 of YouTube.”



Marking a 1966 Mass UFO Sighting

Rain's picture


GFP Note: To listen to the radio interview with witnesses of the 1966 sighting, visit the link at the bottom of the page.


Playground marks the spot of a mass UFO sighting - June 02, by KuljaCoulston

UFO park

Kingston City Council's Steve Perumal has designed the playground complete with a UFO of around the same size and and position of those seen at Westall back in 1966. Shane Ryan is a researcher who interview over 200 people who saw the UFOs, and for many years has lobbied the council to create something on the site.

Find out what's being planned, and hear from some of those who saw the UFOs 50 years ago as they speak with Libbi Gorr.

UFO Sightings In Canada Doubled In 2012, Breaking Previous Record

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 6/01/13


Canadians saw more UFOs than ever before. In 2012, 1,981 sightings (compared to 986 in 2011) were reported. That's almost double the previous annual record of 1,004 reports in 2008, according to CBC News.



"It's something across the board," said Canadian science writer Chris Rutkowski, director of Ufology Research, who has compiled the Canada UFO report since 1989. "People in Canada were actually looking up into the sky more [in 2012] than in previous years."


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