In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, this FULL MOON is the BUFFALO NATION MOON. TATANKA OYATE, BUFFALO NATION, TEACHES SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT. SIMPLY, "There is a great arrogance among human beings that tells them they are superior to the Relations of Mother Earth. This is one of the greatest lies that have been propagated in this Universe. This is one of the causes--if not THE cause--of that which has been called the "fall from Sacredness." Human being is no more sacred than a grasshopper, a tree or the water that flows by in the river. The human being is a part of all these. Therefore, human being being must DISCERN that which is truly spiritual instead of trying to escape above and beyond that which is REAL." -TATANKA OYATE, BUFFALO NATION in the SPIRITUAL PROTECTION OF FAMILY.
TODAY in the EarthStar Peace Calendar, it's the last day of the ANTAKARANA Good Heart Moon, and the 11:11 Messenger is BIG BUFFALO CHIEF TATANKA TANKA ITANCAN in the UNIVERSAL LAW OF NATURE,
"On the 29th Moon day, the Daykeepers are the "Chiefs" (Itancan) of the STAR ALTAR OF CREATOR."