They say that one person can make a difference and everyone should try. So here it goes...
My intention is to share the natural healing gifts of laughter, dancing, and connection with communities who want to take classes with me, but simply can not afford it.

My reason is simple...
In this chaotic, fast moving, stressed out world, many people have forgotten how good it feels to share a hearty laugh with someone, how amazing it feels to dance uninhibitedly, and how freeing it is to be in a space where you can share a "primal" scream as loud as you can and not have to worry about what others think.
It is a healthy way to release pent up energy and stress in a safe setting...
Which is why I am asking you to contribute and help me bring more laughter and joy to communities that really need it. In the past three years, I have shared my classes with hundreds of people and I want to reach even more.
What are the benefits? I often hear that people feel less stress and tension... Headaches and body aches gone or reduced... Most people feel relaxed, lighter, and happier.
The irony of life is that most of the people that need and want this the most, are the people that can not afford it...
Did you know that on average children laugh about 200 times a day, while adults laugh about 12 times a day? Let’s change that!
I believe in the power of community. I believe in you.