climate change

Rainfall Redistribution Will Make Some Areas Warmer And Drier

Desert Gypsy's picture - 9/24/13

A new study from Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reveals that a northward shift of Earth’s wind and rain belts could make a broad swath of regions drier. The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that these drier regions include the Middle East, American West and Amazonia, while Monsoon Asia and equatorial Africa will become wetter as humans continue to heat the planet.

This new prediction is based on the warming that ended the last ice age around 15,000 years ago. During that warming, the North Atlantic Ocean began to churn more vigorously, melting Arctic sea ice, and setting up a temperature contrast with the southern hemisphere where sea ice was expanding around Antarctica. The tropical rain belt and mid-latitude jet stream were pushed north by the temperature gradient between the poles. This redistributed water in two bands around the planet.

Life found in the sediments of an Antarctic subglacial lake for the first time

Desert Gypsy's picture - 9/19/13,


The possibility that extreme life forms might exist in the cold and dark lakes hidden kilometres beneath the Antarctic ice sheet has fascinated scientists for decades.

This is because parts of the ice sheet are melting and retreating at unprecedented rates as the temperature rises at the poles.
The group targeted Lake Hodgson on the Antarctic Peninsula which was covered by more than 400 m of ice at the end of the last Ice Age, but is now considered to be an emerging subglacial lake, with a thin covering of just 3–4 metres of ice.

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Freak hailstorm turns Cornwall town into winter scene – 24 hours after heatwave

Desert Gypsy's picture 9/8/13


In another unusual weather pattern to hit the UK in recent months, the instant storm saw The Gluyas in Falmouth deluged by an inch of hail stones.

PE teacher Tommy Matthews, 52, took a short video clip of the scene at around 5pm, saying he was walking up the street when ‘suddenly it all went nuts’.

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Climate Change Affects the Carribean

Desert Gypsy's picture - 9/6/13, Dianca Coto


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Experts are sounding a new alarm about the effects of climate change for parts of the Caribbean - the depletion of already strained drinking water throughout much of the region

In August 2012, some islands reported extremely dry weather, including Grenada and Anguilla. By July of this year, those conditions had spread to Trinidad, Antigua, St. Vincent and Barbados, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology & Hydrology says.

"We're seeing changes in weather patterns," said Avril Alexander, Caribbean coordinator for the nonprofit Global Water Partnership. "... When you look at the projected impact of climate change, a lot of the impact is going to be felt through water."

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