cosmic consciousness

Conundrum Considerations

Zendor's picture

Achieving cosmic consciousness is like hacking a super computer. Every time you think you found a key, it just opens another level of encryption guarding the source code. By the same token, keeping up with the changing economy, the challenge to stay ahead of the curve brings one to know their limitations.

The Warm Up

Let me give you fair warning beyond the welcome wave from my friends to the right. Get ready to have your mind and heart stretched beyond normal limits. If you are reading this for the first time, you might want to be aware of your belief systems and suspend them for a moment. It’s quite likely you will be challenged. I was and still am.

I’m nobody special but what I experienced was special; it literally set me apart from everyone I’ve known to date. My life changed and has continually progressed in my quest to know and understand who and what I Am and who WE ARE. There truly is no ego without Wego. Confabulation, imagination or realization… the experience happened. The song you may be hearing now facilitated it. If you don’t have audio at the moment, you may want to find a way to listen.

How I’ve lived and what I’ve done has revealed a lot about my own nature and the nature of human beings, trapped by limiting belief systems and fear-based nonsense that keeps us afraid, angry, ignorant and immobile. A new world order is evolving now, emerging from an organic and systemic need for change, fueled by the deep desire for something beyond the senseless control and manipulation of people, places and things for profit without conscience.

Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 1 - The Hero Myth

drmoe's picture





Some messages are cryptic and some are not. But all are issued from the one same source, God the Creator.


When we are alone, contemplating our navel, we risk succumbing to outside interferences.  In the Ethereal Realms there are entities that worry about us because what we do, or not do, affects their future as well. You see, they already know that all the creatures of the Universe are interrelated.  What happens to one group affects all the others.


Forget for a moment that they are disappointed with us for proceeding so slowly.  Are not the sense of Self and Right to Be worth pursuing on their own merits? We don’t need a cosmic or personal calamity to be reminded of this.  For our own sakes, let’s evolve.  Let’s find that place inside where we are centered.  Let’s find that core of our being and express it gloriously.


Who knows when these entities from other worlds might show up?  Don’t we want to welcome them with our very best – all aglow and filled with love – so that they can feel at home here too?


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