
Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ June 14, 2012

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Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 14, 2012







Greetings fellow Lightworkers, my sisters and brothers of the Light!


I come before you today to speak of Truth. This has many meanings and connotations in your 3rd dimensional world. I would like to go beyond that and talk of the supreme Truth, that which comes only from the Divine Essence of you, dear Ones.


Take a journey with me today, dear friends, into the realms of the unknown. At one moment in your distant past, you chose to ignore and abandon the Light that was you and ventured out into an adventure, an experience of how far away from the Truth you could go, to explore the possibilities of what was unknown and not familiar to you at the time.



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