
Sirius Documentary Focuses On Next-Generation Energy Technology and the Mystery of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Exclusively on VOD Site Yekra

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Chron.com - PRWeb, 4/23/13



New Energy Expert and UFO / ET Investigator Dr. Steven Greer Explores the Potential for Zero-Point Systems from Beyond the Stars in Heavily Anticipated Documentary Film


Sirius, a groundbreaking documentary film exploring extra-terrestrial and UFO energy technology – and its potential to reveal zero-point technology to save Earth’s ecosystem – today has premiered on the newly launched VOD streaming platform, Yekra.

More: Chron.com.

Grant Cameron's Research On UFOs and U.S. Presidents Gets Recognized By International UFO Congress

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Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 3/09/13


Canadian UFO researcher Grant Cameron specializes on the connections between U.S. presidents and UFOs.

After almost 40 years of investigating the shrouded history of UFOs throughout North America, Grant Cameron is getting some recognition.

Ever since his own reported UFO sightings in Manitoba, Canada, in 1975, Cameron has doggedly researched the subject. Using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain documents and information, and traveling to many presidential libraries, Cameron became focused on the relationship of American presidents and UFOs.

Video and more: Huffington Post.


Underground Explosions Carve Twin Craters on Mars

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Wunderground.com - 4/16/13Mars Twin Craters

From our partners. A color view of two craters, both roughly 50 kilometers in diameter, in the Thaumasia Planum region just south of Vallis Marineris at approximately 17°S / 296°E and have a ground resolution of approximately 25 meters per pixel. The northern (right) crater is named Arima, while the southern (left) crater is unnamed. (Courtesy European Space Agency)

Dramatic explosions deep under the Mars surface, possibly involving ice, are believed to have created a pair of massive craters spotted side-by-side in satellite images taken in January by the European Space Agency.

What makes the twin craters remarkable is the central pit found in each, which indicate the presence of water on or just below the surface of the red planet.

More: Wunderground.com

Climate Scientists Struggle to Explain Warming Slowdown

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Weather.com - 4/16/13

Smoke is emitted from chimneys of a cement plant in Binzhou city, in eastern China's Shandong province in January. China, the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide, is directly feeling the man-made heat of global warming, scientists conclude in a recent study that linked the burning of fossil fuels to the country's rise in its daily temperature spikes. AP Photo

OSLO (Reuters) -- Scientists are struggling to explain a slowdown in climate change that has exposed gaps in their understanding and defies a rise in global greenhouse gas emissions.

Sirius Film Feat. Dr. Steven Greer By Emmy Winning Amardeep Kaleka Opens April 22

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DigitalJournal.com - Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) April 03, 2013



‘Sirius’, a provocative crowd-funded documentary film from Emmy winning director Amardeep Kaleka (‘Neverending Light Productions’), producer J.D Seraphine, and narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series ‘Hung’), will have its contributor, VIP & celebrity premiere on April 22 in Hollywood, CA.


The movie premiere will be followed by a limited theatrical release and concurrent VOD launch via the Yekra video on demand platform on SiriusDisclosure.com and Yekra's AffiliateConnect customized social media networks.



Tiny Alien Humanoid Claimed To Exist In Steven Greer’s Upcoming Documentary ‘Sirius’ [PHOTO, VIDEO]

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International Business Times - By | April 09 2013

Whether you believe in extraterrestrial life or not, a new documentary -- “Sirius” -- will have you in awe, as scientists promise to reveal a tiny alien creature measures six inches from head to toe.

Tiny Alien Photo: YouTube The six-inch tiny alien humanoid that will be revealed in "Sirius" documentary.

“Sirius,” which has its Hollywood debut on April 22 and limited release at select theaters across the nation shortly after, begs the ever-so-intriguing question if life exists beyond Earth.


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