
Why Shopping at Walmart Is No Bargain

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AlterNet - 12/12/13, Maura Stephens

Photo Credit: walmartmovie.com

Next time someone tells you they shop at Walmart because it's cheap or convenient, share this.

Despite 1,500 protests nationwide against Walmart, the world's biggest retailer claimed its most lucrative Black Friday ever in 2013. Our friends and neighbors flock there.

More: AlterNet.org


VICTORY: License Plate Scanners Suspended in Boston Over Privacy Concerns

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Activist Post - 12/15/13, Kevin Samson

Even as revelations of nearly ubiquitous NSA surveillance have been detailed, and databases of every stripe seem to be on the rise, we cannot ignore our victories. Little by little, we are beginning to see a roll-back of some of the surveillance state.

From highways to small towns, the high-tech surveillance grid is being exposed and is provoking outrage among fully informed citizens. Recently, we saw Seattle police deactivate a Wi-Fi surveillance network, after it was exposed that the little white boxes identified across the city were really a mesh network that could surveil any member of the public possessing an Internet-ready device.

More: activistpost.com


UK, US govts hand in hand with bankers committing financial crimes

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RT.com - 12/13/13


Iceland is a great example of a country which had the courage to prosecute bankers, and that’s largely because it’s not controlled by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, Max Keiser, financial analyst and host of the Keiser Report on RT, says.

Four former bank bosses in Iceland have been jailed for financial fraud. They were accused of hiding the fact that a Qatari investor bought into the firm [Kaupthing Bank], with money lent illegally by the bank itself. It went bust in 2008, helping to cripple Iceland's economy.

Video and more: RT.com


David Icke ~ Connecting The Dots

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We are presenting these videos for your awareness and enjoyment. As always, please use your discernment.
And remember - the illusion and the cabal are dissolving. There is nothing to fear, ever.
Love Wins!


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart


UFO researcher Lloyd Pye memorial

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Source: Open Minds - 12/11/13, posted by Open Minds


Lloyd Pye has been searching for the origins of a mysterious skull that he calls the “Star Child” since 1999. He has done many lectures on the anomalous nature of the skull, which he believed may be of extraterrestrial origins. Pye has been battling cancer, and unfortunately he lost that battle on December 9, 2013.



US to phase out antibiotics for fattening livestock

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By: Andy Coghlan, 12/12/2013

The practice of feeding antibiotics to healthy farm animals to fatten them up is being phased out in the US, a move that should help quell antibiotic resistance. However, the Food and Drug Administration has been criticised for failing to make the move compulsory. Antibiotic-resistant microbes are thought to kill 23,000 Americans each year and infect 2 million. In the US, 80 per cent of the antibiotics are given to farm animals. Since resistance develops when microbes are repeatedly exposed to antibiotics, giving them to healthy animals exacerbates the problem.


The FDA, which first proposed a ban in 1977, has told pharmaceutical companies that manufacture medically important antibiotics given to animals to voluntarily withdraw them from use as growth promoters. The manufacturers have three years to change labels on the antibiotics and other antimicrobials to state that they can only be given to animals for veterinary reasons, and prescribed by a vet.



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