Source: Rise Earth - Jeff Roberts, 11/05/13
*This article is based on academic research referenced in David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations and his follow up book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe & You. I highly recommend you check out both of these books for further information.
DNA is essential to any scientific understanding of life. One strand of the double-helix holds the complete code that is needed to clone an entire organism. The process of DNA formation is one that is now up for debate, as the fundamentals of quantum physics aim to explain how DNA begins as a wave-form rather than a molecule. This new idea suggests that the universe is composed of an invisible wave-pattern complex that forms matter by the exertion of micro gravitational forces. On a molecular scale, information in the form of waves pulls atoms and molecules in to create more complex structures, such as DNA. So if these wave patterns were visible, empty space would appear as a fluid geometric patterns, such as the shape of a DNA strand, and would pull in atoms to form a physical replica of the wave-pattern.