
Birthing the New Earth: Energy in this Eclipse Portal

LuminanceRiver's picture

In meditation, I was seeing and feeling a process that represents what we are going through, in my own experience, in any case. I sense we are going through the birth of a new age, an age of co-creation. It is a time in which new is possible. New combinations. With that, there has been this planetary alignment before the equinox, the equinox day solar eclipse, and then leading up to the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. The process was this: it was an experience of feeling myself as the sun. It was seeing the serpent rise, and I imagined it up the spine. In fact, I saw Ishtar the goddess with the two snakes place two snake in the spine as the masculine and feminine channels of kundalini rising. The two snakes merged into one. There is a symbol that came which is like an egg shape and the sun. We are the sun and we are also like an egg. The serpent is the kundalini rising of the masculine and feminine as merged. It is rising up the back of the head which is the special place in the lower back of our skulls. It is the Jade Gate, also called the mouth of the serpent. It is where the kundalini rises and awakens us, and brings enlightenment or triggers the process beginning. I see this for the whole planet, that kundalini is rising in so many people. We are wired for this physiologically and energetically, so this is an energetic shift.

THE EGG, By Andy Weir

DeSwiss2's picture

 -  For a while I wondered what topic I should write about in my first blog post. And then I remembered Andy Weir's story about the egg.  And I decided that might be better. A coming out of its shell story.  A breaking egg. A new Life.


It all seems so perfect.......




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