energies of July 2012

7/7/12 Energies & Beyond

sarah shepherd's picture

Did you all feel the huge energy download on 7/7/12?!  I certainly did and it left me feeling very tired and a bit spacey!  So, I felt that I should add to my previous blog on clearing after yesterday's energies.

As I said before, we have been grounding the energies from June up to 7/7/12, ready to put it all into action for the rest of the month.  As everything is moving at an intense speed it felt right to pull a couple of cards to see what is going on!

I have chosen the Goddess Guidance oracle cards by Doreen Virtue this time as July is also about balancing the masculine and feminine energies.  I have pulled two cards and they are definitely in tune with what I wanted to talk about!  The first card is 'Aeracura - Blossoming' and it says "You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process, and do not give up."  I think we are all feeling a bit like we have gone through the washing machine on a deep cycle, then straight into the dryer which has left us feeling a bit frazzled!  This card is showing us that we need to be patient as we have just finished drying out and we are now starting to blossom.  I love the word 'blossoming', it says to me that we are coming into our power and everything is going in the right direction.  They say patience is a virtue, but it is also really hard work!  I have been learning the art of patience all my life and even though I understand that things happen when the time is right it is still hard when you want to manifest everything right now!  So, for all of you that feel like me know that all the hard work you have done is starting to come together.  The best way to do this is to stop for a moment and look back on what you have achieved and how far you have come and be proud of yourself!

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