
Daily Tarot Reading: Queen of Wands ~ 4/27/13

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Yesterday's Reading (posted late)


Today’s card is the Queen of Wands. Sitting on her throne, holding a sunflower with a black cat at her feet, she is the picture of composure. The energy of the wands flows outward and makes you want to get involved in physical things. Typically the wands carry an energy which makes you want to go out and get involved in a physical project, etc. However, the Queen represents the embodiment of the qualities of her suit. She is able to find joy just by being who she is in the world.

Daily Tarot Reading: Knight of Cups ~ 4/24/13

yourgypsysoul's picture


How are we all feeling? Are you still feeling a little bit magical from yesterday? I don't know about you, but I could certainly feel the electricity in the air. To quote a favorite movie of mine "It's all happening."


I'd like to talk a little bit about how I choose the card for the day. I go through my normal routine of shuffling and cutting the cards. Then, I flip over eight cards. The eighth card is the reading for the day. Then, I go back through the "kitty", the other seven cards I flipped, and see if there are any opposing or reinforcing cards for the day.



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