You Are Enough!
What is it that prompts us to want to appear grander than we are? Is it to save face, or some other non important goal that prompts us to pursue this? Are the contortions required to change oneself, quite dramatically at times, really worth it? Is it not sad that, while having been blessed with such a humble and yet glorious beginning, we then go out and change it to something less, just to please others?
Would God change into something to impress others? Highly unlikely! So why do we do it? God is already impressed with who we are. After all, we are God’s creation.
God says to us, “Know this, and know this for certain – You Are Enough!” It is unnecessary to change what you are for another’s sake. There is no legitimate reason to do so. For those who feel they are not enough, God wants us to get to know our true self, our inner core, our complete Being, and to learn how great we already are. Most of us have only caught a glimpse of our totality. There remains much to be uncovered.