Good News

Best Pictures of Perseids Meteor Shower

Rain's picture

National Geographic - 8/13/13

  A picture of the Perseid meteor shower from Canada

View From Quebec

Photograph by Michel Tournay, National Geographic Your Shot

A lonely Perseid shooting star zips across a sky painted green by northern lights in James Bay, Quebec, Canada.

A giant cloud of energized particles was flung off the sun on August 7, which slammed into Earth's magnetic field on August 10, causing auroras to erupt across many northern latitude countries.



Pictures: Rare Views of Statue of Liberty in Time for Reopening

Rain's picture

National Geographic - Jane J. Lee, 7/03/13

Picture from Lady Liberty's torch, looking down

Photograph from Fox Photos/Getty Images

Superstorm Sandy whacked the U.S. East Coast last October, flooding cities, felling trees, and tearing apart buildings. The storm knocked Lady Liberty when it charged over Liberty Island—the statue's 12-acre, oval home—causing nearly $59 million in damage.

Picture of the spiral staircase inside the Statue of Liberty

  Photograph courtesy Jet Lowe, Library of Congress

‘Supermoon’ rises - Photos

Rain's picture

The Washington Post - Sarah L. Voisin, 6/22/13

The biggest and brightest full moon of the year graces the sky as our celestial neighbor swings closer to Earth than usual.

The moon glows behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. Julio Cortez / AP

More: The Washington Post



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