Ignoring Illusion

SANAT KUMARA wishes to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energy

JTariah's picture

SANAT KUMARA wishes  to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energies, Meditating with God-Self, Creating Light, and Envisioning Goodness

  two channelings: divine guidance and meditation below

We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our family with OPEN WINGS! We lovingly invite you to become a part of our global, galactic, universal Missions by participating in Project: Eagle Triad. (specific Mission details below channelings) Please write to janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com to begin your Ground Crew Mission NOW.


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