
extreme cold weather in the usa europe etc

logic's picture

This is the reason why parts of US,Europe etc are experiencing arctic air and the so called polar vortex and are going to do so every year from now on and the whole world experiencing weather extremes.
The daily earth wobble which started in 2004 and has been increasing in magnitude every year which the Canadian Inuit have been experiencing for the past few years Every Inuit elder asked says the sun does not set where it used to and even the stars are in the wrong place
Go to these links to find safe locations for free TO survive the coming geological pole shift
What is the geological pole shift? What causes it? this is zeta movie part 1 talks about historical evidence of past geological pole shifts zeta movie part 2[A] talks about when the elite learned about and plan to do about the geological pole shift zeta movie part 2[B] talks about the months and years leading upto the geological pole shift and the coming cataclysms

Make Your Dreams A Priority

Ryan's picture


When is the last time you asked yourself what your priorities are? What are they? What have you done to see them happen? Priorities are an important function in life that dictates the direction  it takes. Which way are you being guided? Some may say, I don’t need any priorities, I live in the moment. I would challenge that by pointing out even living in the moment is a priority!  So whatever your priorities may be, be aware of them and ask yourself if this is the best you can do; ask yourself what is important to you.  Ensure you are in control of the ship in order to make sure you arrive at the destination of your choosing. Think BIG. Allow yourself

to be the best, you deserve it. Invest in your future with rich intentions and reap your rewards. By taking your dreams off the back-burner and making them your priorities, you live the life YOU want to live. So be it.


With My LOVE,

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