July 25, 2012 is a day of tremendous importance in the Mayan calendar - it is New Year's Eve - also known as the Day Out of Time. This day is the last day of the galactic year, meaning that of the 13 moons per year in a 28 day cycle, and 364 days, this is the extra day, or literally, the day out of time. According to 'Samme Samareta FB page:"Day Out of Time 2012
White Rhythmic Mirror (July 25, 2012)
This is the last day of the galactic year
in the Mayan and Galactic calendar.
(13 moons of 28 days = 364 days ~
the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25,
the "Day Out Of Time") This is a special
day for ritual, meditation and prayer.
In 2012 along with the Banner of Peace,
we are asking that you bring a mirror or mirrors
to the gathering or festival as a symbol of the
Reflection of Divine Endless Order.
I organize in order to reflect
Balancing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal
Enter me" https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151146129530579&set=a.424345590578.211453.730715578&type=1&theater