Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments [Names of Ships, Ascension Into Your Ship, Your Shipside Jobs]

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Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)  [Information  for Names of Ships, Ascension Into Your Ship, Your Shipside Jobs, + More]



Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix
crowbirchsong (((at))) yahoo (((dot)))com

Trinity intones in Matrix Reloaded: “Something has been happening to those in the Matrix. They’ve been mutating, changing in ways the machines never predicted. [They] seem to have psychic powers.”

You believe you have already awakened. You are well on your way, yet you haven’t quite woken up fully to your intergalactic life. As you gradually escape the now-dissolving Matrix – your life will synthesize to a 5D through 12D reality – comprised of your entire multidimensional Self upon the ship you are assigned to.  Like Morpheus utters: "If you’re able to accomplish this mission, we’ll phase back into the ship. Stay in contact."

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