Little Miracles...

Look For The Positive Signs That Show We ARE Shifting!

Ra-Raela's picture

Hello Everybody!

I would like to share a beautiful event that happened to my neighbor yesterday. Proof, that people are waking up to love. My neighor is a wonderful older woman, who would give her last shirt to someone in need. She's always giving. I can attest to that, because she gave me a hundred dollar bike. My boyfriend had loaned her some gas money, so she could get to a job appointment. And she came over that night, to return the money and to tell us she got the job! She also related an event that happened to her, which made my heart sing!

She was standing in line at the grocery store check-out counter, lots of kids behind her, and a man about four people ahead of her. After she paid for her groceries, the man approached her, put something in her hand. He said something to her, and she couldn't understand what he said, but he left very quickly, so she couldn't catch up with him. She looked around outside, but he had disappeared. Then she remembered he had given her something. She opened her hand.....and there it was ..a $50.00 banknote. She was floored. At first she thought that she didn't deserve so much money, such a large blessing.

She related to me, how much earlier in the day, she wondered how she would make it finacially. We finally figured out, that it wasn't just a blessing, but a sign for her to keep doing what she was doing, namely helping others in need, in little ways that she could handle. We hugged, and she thanked me and left. It truly made my heart sing! So, know that the universe will take care of you, if you share your energy, in whatever way you can.


Many blessings to all of you, Ra-Raela

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