No terrorism at Olympics; reasons ETs may arrive sooner than planned; effects of vibrations on Earth clashing with higher frequencies; fear and duality; power outage in India; shooting in Colorado, USA; ETs honor lightworkers; prepare for Golden Age
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of vibratory emissions from Earth and the energy planes through which the planet is ascending are producing a variety of strong effects.
2. We shall speak about those, and first we mention the most splendid effect— myriad sparkles are shooting upward from Earth, and each signifies that a soul is awakening, searching for an understanding of what is transpiring in your world. Although the populace doesn’t know that weapons of war are failing to function and many thousands of our assisting family members are circling in your skies, for instance, there is a strong feeling that something significant is afoot, and some feel that it bodes well for the world.
3. Indeed it does, and we wish everyone could know this! Although a few supporting facts are coming out, they are buried in belabored coverage of sensational events and currently the Olympics. In the weeks prior to the opening ceremony, reports of planned terrorism in London were disseminated on the Internet and mainstream media also reported that possibility—the Illuminati still are circulating fear-filled information. That does not mean that they had no intention of carrying out any sinister acts, only that they wanted to get a head start on creating fear by telling you what they have up their sleeves.