
Orionid Meteor Shower

Desert Gypsy's picture 10/20/13


Orionid meteor shower radiant

The Orionid radiant at 05:00 UT (04:00 BST) in the UK on the morning of October 21st looking south.

With a usual maximum of up 20 meteors per hour the Orionids are sand-grain sized remnants of Halley's comet, seen as they burn up in the upper atmosphere. In 2013 a waning gibbous moon will be in the sky and spoil the view somewhat. However Orionid meteors tend to be bright.

It is best to look away from the radiant as Orionid meteors will appear in any part of the sky, but they appear to originate from a point above and left the bright star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion the hunter. The distinctive shape of Orion will be seen in the southeastern sky early in the early morning.

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Massive Star Explosion Seeded the Early Solar System, Meteorite Study Suggests

Desert Gypsy's picture - 10/12/13, Charles Q. Choi

GFP Note: Comets and meteors  are celestial bodies which carry coded and seeded information.

Comet Ison is carrying New Earth CO- Creation Codes

The oldest documented supernova, called RCW 86, was witnessed by Chinese astronomers in 185 A.D.

The explosive death of a star seeded matter into the solar system soon after its birth, analysis of a meteorite now reveals.

Meteorites contain some of the oldest material in the solar system, dating back to its formation. As such, researchers often analyze these objects in order to discover what materials were present when the sun, Earth and other planets were born. This study sheds light on where these solar system bodies might have come from.

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Legendary Draconid meteors best after sunset October 7

Desert Gypsy's picture - 10/7/13, Deborah Byrd

Moon and evening planets on October 7

Before nightfall on October 7 and 8, as you’re preparing to watch for meteors, look southwest to see the waning crescent moon between the planets Venus and Saturn.

The constellation Draco the Dragon will be spitting out meteors, also known as shooting stars. The Draconid shower is predicted to produce the greatest number of meteors on the night of October 7, but the next night might be good, too. Watch for them first thing at nightfall. Fortunately, the thin waxing crescent moon won’t interfere with this year’s Draconid meteor display. In fact, the moon and planets set in the southwestern sky around nightfall, serving as a wonderful prelude to tonight’s Draconid meteor show

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Fireballs over Atlanta 9/29. Over 1000 reported 9/27-9/28 (video)

Desert Gypsy's picture 9/29/13, Mike Hankey

Its been a busy week for the AMS as we are bombarded by fireball reports from all different parts of the country. The latest event took place over Alabama and Georgia last night September 28th 7:30 PM local time. Over 250 witnesses from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama and Georgia have reported the event so far. Below is a heat map of the witnesses who saw the event.

Atlanta Fireball - September 28th, 2013 @ 7:30 PM Local Time

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Two large fireballs spotted over the skies of Ohio, USA (video)

Desert Gypsy's picture

The Watchers, 9/29/13, Adonai

Two very bright fireballs were spotted and recorded over the skies of Ohio, USA, in just two days. They quickly became 2nd and 3rd most reported events of all time on the American Meteor Society (AMS) website.

Witnesses from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin reported a bright light moving across the morning sky on September 26, 2013. AMS has received more than 730 reports of this large fireball seen around 11:05 UTC (7:05 am local time)

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Over 400 reports of large fireball over U.S. Midwest on September 26

Desert Gypsy's picture - 9/27/13, Deborah Byrd

This is a

This is a “heat map,” created by the number of sightings reported to the American Meteor Society. Map via AMS and Mike Hankey.

The American Meteor Society (AMS) reports that it has received over 400 reports of a large fireball (bright meteor) over the U.S. Midwest today (September 26, 2013). People in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin spotted the meteor around 7:05 a.m. CDT; that was local time for the sighting. Witnesses from reported a bright light moving across the morning sky. The estimated trajectory for the fireball took it nearly over Indianapolis.

September has been a busy month for sightings of bright fireballs, according to the AMS. This morning’s event marks the 13th fireball sighting with at least 25 witnesses, the most ever since the AMS started recording sightings online, they say.

Lazarus Comets Return to Life

Desert Gypsy's picture 8/6/13

graveyard main belt small

A team of astronomers from the University of Anitoquia, Medellin, Colombia, have discovered a graveyard of comets. The researchers, led by Anitoquia astronomer Prof. Ignacio Ferrin, describe how some of these objects, inactive for millions of years, have returned to life leading them to name the group the 'Lazarus comets'. The team publish their results in the Oxford University Press journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Comets are amongst the smallest objects in the Solar System, typically a few km across and composed of a mixture of rock and ices. If they come close to the Sun, then some of the ices turn to gas, before being swept back by the light of the Sun and the solar wind to form a characteristic tail of gas and dust.

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Meteor Activity Outlook for June 29-July 5, 2013

Desert Gypsy's picture, 7/1/13,

Meteor season finally gets going in July for the northern hemisphere. The first half of the month will be much like June. After the 15th though, both sporadic and shower rates increase significantly. For observers in the southern hemisphere, sporadic rates will be falling but the overall activity will increase with the arrival of the Delta Aquariids during the last third of the month.


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