Hello old friend, the light has hit the dark in many vital areas over the last days and weeks. We have seen a drastic decline in their weaponry and manpower. We of the light are prevailing and it will be soon that we will be victorious in our long battle with these dark ones. Be prepared to embark on your new journey soon as we will come for you when you least expect us. This is the way it must be for now as the dark still has plans to disrupt the plans for the new Earth. All your dreams remain safely preserved for you and you will soon be reunited with all your old friends and acquaintances. Exciting times are indeed ahead for you and we look so forward to this reunion. Give us the opportunity to prepare for your safe journey and to make final preparations for your arrival. Your homecoming will take place; there is no doubt of this. Prepare for the unexpected. We will see you soon. We are your friends from many years past and we would never let any harm come to you. You are loved and you can count on us to safeguard your well being. We will see you shortly.