
Spielberg tells Larry King he supports gov’t disclosure on UFOs

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Source: OpenMinds.TV - 3/05/13

James Fox at the IUFOC 2013 (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)

Documentary director, James Fox, finally revealed the contents of a letter from Steven Spielberg to Larry King regarding his UFO documentary, I Know What I Saw, at this year’s UFO Congress. In 2009 Fox had appeared on Larry King Live to talk about UFOs and his documentary, which was about to appear on the History Channel. A few days after the show, King told Fox that he had sent a copy of the documentary to Steven Spielberg. King then received a letter from Spielberg in response, and sent Fox a copy. Excited about the endorsement from Spielberg, Fox contacted Spielberg’s publicist to confirm it was OK for Fox to share Spielberg’s remarks to help promote the upcoming airing of his documentary. Unfortunately, Spielberg’s publicist, Marvin Levy, denied the request.

How to Apply for $100k UFO Reward

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Source: OpenMinds.TV - 3/06/13


James Fox at the IUFOC 2013

James Fox at the IUFOC 2013 (Credit: Alejandro Rojas)

Among other announcements, UFO documentary filmmaker James Fox also announced at the 2013 UFO Congress the launch of a $100,000 reward for proof that UFOs are real. The reward is an effort to bring to light never before seen evidence for a documentary in the making titled, 701: The Number the Government Does Not Want You to Know.

The criteria for the reward are listed on the movie’s website:

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