Peace Project

We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!

Rain's picture


We want you to declare Peace on Earth! And, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.

If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!

It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below

and then email it to


Girl, 5, Collects Hundreds Of Dollars For Peace Selling Lemonade Outside Westboro Baptist Church

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - , 6/15/13

westboro baptist church lemonade

"As we all know, the Westboro Baptist Church puts a lot of hate into the world," Jackson told HuffPost in an email Friday. "Since we cannot stop them, the next best thing is to smother it with love. That is what 5-year-old Jayden accomplished today! Jayden set up a lemonade stand in front of the church. Not only did she quench the thirst of a lot of loving supporters, the money she raised was donated to Planting Peace so she could help Planting Peace promote a more peaceful world."

We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!

Rain's picture

 We want you to declare Peace on Earth! And, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.


If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!

It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below

and then email it to


If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.


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