
Mascots..Icon or sentient being from afar?

Jazz's picture

Again, maybe the brevity of syntax the more intelligent the conversation. Not much for eloquent verbs, so stay with me.



What is the view on familars or (mascotas, mascoto?) Mascots?

[LATIN word for PET as it were..]


I know the wiccan view of ascended friendly spirits or fauna we take and tame and take care of..(I dont think PET is the right definition here.) How do the rest of you see this? Or are these representatives of another world in the only form they have here(which is different, not as sentient, etc.)?


Seems to me I know the heartache my little wee hedgehog is going thru, as i have known another going though a rought time before. Again, hedgehogs and felines....


Familiars to me.


You know who you are..


Am I just looking at similarities here or are the real entities coming thru the only way they know how, thru the fauna and such?


My connection to nature is strong as ever. Almost as if even the wild ones all have a voice.Im not the only one to hear it though.




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