Presence of Infinity and Infinity


Mario's picture

I never hear directly from galactics any channel or systems of info... everything is answered in an awareness Synchronistically around me, since it happens so many times, when thinking I get an answer not from within but in my surroundings, triggers for confirmation of the space I am in. Some events in 2012 kept on my mind and wonder if these are attachments. I have learned many "storys" wich seemingly all relates. They said the noises where not going to "save me" Next time. Whom are they? Sounded like They secret goverment. If there is patterns within patterns or parallels, what has caused the Ripples in december? Wich timeline AM I in? The ones that caused ripples? Aliens? Systems of info From aliens? Is that why they hid the information? Or litterally Particle accelerators that send the impact to the earths core. Thus may they try to create a 4d and 5d planet with it? It seemed back then I was in an awareness, none of this world. The surroundings are quite a challenge, because every info relates to me directly on a parallel awareness. Its as simple as a 'program" with no limits, I can either go in "jump in" whenerver an oportunity arises and keep track of the new info surrounding as a new awareness? To have that awareness you must know that everyone is already there. So no limits of information! haha Litterally a fly helped me right that last sentence, its quite amazing. How is it possible? You must KNOW that everyone is already there. Yet again she helped me right the Full event "program" geez hahaha :P

Namaste, Be at One

Portal Open and Reconnection The Divine Mother/Father Consciousness, Unconsciousness, unknown and known, Presence of Infinity an

lynmarie8's picture

Portal Open and Reconnection The Divine Mother/Father Consciousness, Unconsciousness, unknown and known, Presence of Infinity and Infinity.


Reconnection of this to the cosmos, universe, Galaxy, planetary, solar, humanity, elementals animal kingdom, all of gods creations, Gaia, Angelic realm, As Above, As Below.


Release of veil of Illusion.


Enjoy the New Energy!





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