This Shift

Just another epic battle

SophiaLove's picture

What if this was it?  I know we’ve been predicting and channeling and blogging and speaking of this year and yet, well, it still gives me pause.  Are we living out religious prophecy?  I mean, really?  Because I see no one in robes or chariots with wings or thunderbolts – is this it?


What did you expect?  Did you expect it to be true?  Did you believe, as many have, that it was nothing but myth? I submit that there is both truth and deliberate manipulation in our doctrine, and that is the problem.  The reason we’ve been choking on the rules we’ve been preached is because they were put forth by one whose goal was control, rather than the creator.


Our history is resplendent with tales of epic battles, good vs. evil, unimaginable power and complete annihilation; also miracles and wisdom.  Today, if you want to see epic battles, look to some video game “final boss” scenarios or major motion pictures.  If it is power you’d like to witness, pay attention to the economic and war games our rulers and bankers and 1% play.  If you are searching for wisdom, there are truths online and in lecture halls over the world.  Look to you- tube video’s for “chariots of fire”.  We’ve been looking at pulpits and podiums, which are mostly all the wrong places.  It’s all here, as predicted.  We are living the “end times”.


There are two distinct voices in our history – the creator and the manipulators, hence our confusion.  This bewilderment was intended.  We are “coming out of the dark” this year and discernment is possible.  One whispers love while the other shouts fear.


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