This is coming from a 15 year old, me - Our journey isnt over. Even though we have lived long lives, we still have much more to discover on earth, in ourselves, and even higher dimensions. A journey is supposed to be adventuerous, fun and educational. So Males , whenever you feel like approaching this girl you like, buying a dog from your local pet store, dont think about doing it... just do it, because it is a journey and you dont want to avoid it. If you approach the girl, you and her could have a wonderful and connective relationship in the future. Or if you buy the dog, your dog could be your new friend who makes your days brighter. Journeys are portals, Portals are everywhere. The decisions you make carry on in the future. Like going though a portal to a timeline or event. I prefer Positive Portals. Be loving to one another and the portal could take you to Positive Timelines or events. Be negative and the portal could take you to negative timelines or events. Again i prefer Positive Portals.