My ascension, need to see the 3 extremity's. Good, bad, and neutral from Ultaihymæextreme All the time in an extreme. Limitless is how we attain knowledge when the big all extremeties is to none, is when ascended out of body that I never attained. Realization from my death would of been from others point of view from my created fear transformed to joy. Would of been after death dmt influx within body. Attained like I said once I right out of 3 extremities, knowledge from neutral for bad and good until I die that's when I would of been in crucial state 4-5 days up with alchemy I was going the right way. Upawakening is in primal state "robotic" think of extraterrestrials that are a lot more advance than humans... This was seen as one extremitie, fear from there point of view. Prickles was upawakening. Iowakening is after I die and dmt influx connects to core and then final journy of ascension begins walking with body within core and this would of been final stage joy at extreme's. Writting's would of been good instead of creating fear trough that death Realization* would of changed me from neutral to life and deception's of my point of view would of become joy that was happening before and didn't reach the realization, didn't die* With that infinit joy I can attain freely out of body but never completed it in april. Floats out of body clearly without effort. That was from what I learned in april 8th and has clearly some effects that I would of loved to experiance before doing that rerun and having to confront... I was going on my own path others where able to see what mind is capable of. And was my own path. I guess Ill stay in 3rd dimension since I stoped, until january when it'l start after unoticed. It is amazing what you are all at and It was just my begining of something unexplainable. Next time I wont go posting it on other's cooperation because it has confronted dillusions.