
Re-Alignment II – For the Ark of AN/EBEN This Re -Alignment II – For the Ark of AN/EBEN has been completed - From Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, As Above As Below

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Re-Alignment II – For the Ark of AN/EBEN

This Re -Alignment II – For the Ark of AN/EBEN has been completed - From Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, As Above As Below

Includes 28 poles on the grail rings and Spheres,(Sacred Chord to 7th apex),  The Ark of Grace As Above As Below.



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Clearing of 13 levels of DNA Consciousness in all fields for All - All Broken Patterns in Flower of Restored

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Clearing of 13 levels of DNA Consciousness in all fields for All - All Broken Patterns in Flower of Restored

From Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, humanity, Animal kingdom, Angelic Kingdom , all God Creations As above As below.  

Humanity must individually accept work for themselves – it is of your free will.   All work has been placed in Crystalline Grids with a blessing of Mother/Father Infinite Creator of all that Is.



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Clearing of 13 levels of DNA Consciousness in all fields for All - All Broken Patterns in Flower of Restored

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Clearing of 13 levels of DNA Consciousness in all fields for All - All Broken Patterns in Flower of Restored

From Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, humanity, Animal kingdom, Angelic Kingdom , all God Creations As above As below.  

Humanity must individually accept work for themselves – it is of your free will.   All work has been placed in Crystalline Grids with a blessing of Mother/Father Infinite Creator of all that Is.



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Westford Knight - Bakhira Earth Grid Re-Alignment Completed

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This Re-Alignment of Westford Knight - Bakhira Earth Grid Re-Alignment Completed

Includes all cities, that fall with in and out, As Above As Below. Re- Alignments with Resh Pole and Arkhom Axis

This is the first of Several Re- Alignments to come in near future.



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Proclamation and Blessing from the Infinite Mother/ Father Creator of all that is

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Proclamation and Blessing from the Infinite Mother/ Father Creator of all that is - A Blessing and Dispensation of Unity,Love, Peace for ALL has be sent from the Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, humanity, Animal Kingdom, all of god creations, as Above As Below.



Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Portal of Peace Open and Activated!

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Portal of Peace Open and Activated! for the cosmos, galaxy, universe, solar, planetary, humanity, all of god's creations, as above as below.

Enjoy Pease to all.





Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle

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All have been pulled through the Eye of the Needle:   Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Great Central Sun, Central Sun, Sun, Planetary  systems, including Gaia, Humanity, Animal Kingdom, Elementals, Elementary’s, Crystalline Grids, lay lines, Meridians, All of God’s Creations, As Above, As Below.

Releasing of Duality into Polarity for all.

All has been done with assistance of my team.

Enjoy the Ride







Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

13 Scared Chakra Centers, 13 Sacred Keys For Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity Have been cleared recalibrated, released of Karmic Debit. There are ready for Fall Equinox on the 22nd, 2013

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13 Scared Chakra Centers, 13 Sacred Keys For Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity Have been cleared recalibrated, released of Karmic Debit. There are ready for Fall Equinox on the 22nd, 2013.


Get Ready for major Changes come on the 22nd with Fall Equinox - this is a huge leap for Humanity. What ever has not cleared up until know will amplified on a multitude scale more than our comprehension. So Hang on for the Ride.





Copyright ©2013 by LynMarie8 All rights reserved.  Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and Credit is given to the author.  www.lynmarie8.com or email: lynmarie.8@aol.com

Portal Opened: Purified Elementals and Elementary's Anchored in to Crystalline Grids from Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity, Angelic Realm, Animal Kingdom, All of God's Creations, As Above As Below.

lynmarie8's picture

Portal Opened:  Purified Elementals and Elementary's Anchored in to Crystalline Grids from Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity, Angelic Realm, Animal Kingdom, All of God's Creations, As Above As Below.

Enjoy new Energy.



Portal Opened: Purified Elementals and Elementary's Anchored in to Crystalline Grids from Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity, Angelic Realm, Animal Kingdom, All of God's Creations, As Above As Below.

lynmarie8's picture

Portal Opened:  Purified Elementals and Elementary's Anchored in to Crystalline Grids from Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, Humanity, Angelic Realm, Animal Kingdom, All of God's Creations, As Above As Below.

Enjoy new Energy.




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