Monsanto protests scheduled in 36 countries

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Monsanto Protests Scheduled in 36 Countries

Reuters / Bernardo Montoya

Reuters / Bernardo Montoya


An international protest planned for later this month against biotechnology company Monsanto is slated to span six continents and include demonstrations in dozens of countries around the globe.


Amid growing concerns over St. Louis, Missouri-based Monsanto and the impact the company is having on agriculture, activists have planned rallies for later this month in 36 countries.

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Op-Doc: The Program (Stellar Wind)

Rain's picture



GFP Note: See related article - How the National Security Agency has gone rogue.


Published on Aug 23, 2012 by albertveli

The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans' personal data.


PROVA OVNI colorido de dia a aproximadamente 10.000 Km/h

Rain's picture

Published on Aug 3, 2012 by ConscienciaDosAtos

***Obrigado meu amigo, se não fosse por você esses avistamentos não chegariam aos olhos de muitas pessoas.***
Filmado em 24/11/2011 em Campo Grande - MS.
Observações: O objeto muda de forma e a palavra Anunnakis foi colocada pelo significado, portando não criem terias. A velocidade está acima de qualquer aeronave conhecida.
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