
Our curent home - Planet Earth

mizrah's picture

We are all interested in our 'galactic homes' but our current lifetime home is 'planet earth'.  This is the home that we are connected with, this is the home that we need to focus our energies upon. 


This is where we chose to create our influence upon, this where we chose to make a difference.  We have all lived our lives with the many dramas that have we have created, understanding what we need to heal, what we need to know to move forward....but it takes great courage to face these situations.


It takes great courage to look at our current lifetime, taking into account who we are and who we have been.  We have not always been perfect, we have not always lived 'in the Light' but in this time we are shown that we have been given the choice of how we live our lives in the NOW..to choose that this can be a time we can choose a different path.


In each an every moment we can choose to make  a difference, we can choose to stand for our truth, to share that truth with one another, to play our planetary path with others, to be a part of the ascension process,  This can only be achieved through  absolutely POSITIVITY, through self belief that you are are following your own journey sharing that positivity with everyone you know, through empowering others to be their true selves.


It is not a time for EGO, we are all a grain of sand upon the beach - but together we create the beach - let us all understand the part we play, 


I have the greatest hope in humanity, I have the greatest hope that we can all play our part in the ascension that is imminent and I have the greatest hope that more and more people will realise that they can truly make a difference.  I invite you all to make a difference each and every day



With love





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