Aries Full Moon squared by Pluto


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Full Aries Moon … is a powerful one! Pluto…the planet of Transformation is squaring (friction, stress) this Aries Full Moon by degree! Also the Full Aries Moon which is ruled by Mars (the warrior, action) is sitting with the dwarf planet Eris…the planet of Chaos and Discord. Just those aspects alone makes for a
Super charged Full Moon…and it can ignite a lot of growth, or a lot of compulsive and destructive behavior… deep feelings are brought to the surface. We can see this energy all around us and all around the World. The Universe is getting serious….it is a time of Radical Transformation….as we move towards the Evolution of our Soul, the Soul of all Humanity and the Earth herself!! We are on an Evolutionary Journey!
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