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 Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology


This is a very mystical, intuitive and loving New Piscean Moon.   It is very very watery and dreamy…with visions, Angels and the psychic realms all available during the days of this New Piscean Moon.  Neptune that rules Pisces is sitting with this Piscean New moon along with Venus emphasizing the energies even more.  Neptune is known for unconditional love for all and Venus is known for romance and love!  This is a lot of Love energy on all realms!  Even though there are a few challenging aspects at this New Moon…with all of this Piscean energy…we tend to be drawn more to the energies of Love, creativity and fairy tale dreams.  Embrace this energy ….. take time to get in touch with it and feel it!  Pisces/Neptune are also extremely intuitive and Spiritual…so it is a time to go inward and Meditate, Manifest and think of ways in which the peacefulness and unconditional Love part of Pisces can be brought out into the World.  This is one of the strongest New Moons to Manifest on….to create the reality you want to live in.  Meditate, dream and listen….Manifest Love, and Peace!


The World is still in chaos, fear, transformation, division and at times it can be a little volatile. Things are still being put in our faces…so we can’t miss them….so we know what it is that needs to be changed and transformed. This is happening all over the World, and recently in England along with  our own country…. within our own lives and all humanity.  Remember…Transformation isn’t easy…if it is easy, than your not doing the work!!


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