Super Flower Blood Full Sagittarius Moon


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very powerful Flower Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse! It is the most intense and spectacular Full Moon this year and it will appear bigger and brighter than normal Full Moons. It also can magnify emotions, truths and your belief systems. There are many major aspects happening at this Full Moon Eclipse to move us on our evolutionary Journey with the help of some very positive aspects.  At the same time…there are a few aspects that involve choices we might be faced with…rather to head to the high side or the grayer side.  One of those aspects is Mars in the orb of the opposition to Pluto.  Forming a Cardinal T-Square with Eris, Pluto and itself!  This energy can become a bit volatile if not guided in a more peaceful energy. Be careful and cautious for the next several days….   This Full Moon Eclipse is also ushering in the Eclipse season….and the next one is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th


But remember…the Universe never gives us more then we can handle.  Leading up to this Sagittarius Full Super Moon Lunar Eclipse we have witnessed the opening up of business and festivals and gatherings after being shut down for over a year and even that is confusing.  It feels so good to be able to move around and share in person and travel (Sagittarius)…but it also feels so funny to do that after being locked down for so long.  Is it really safe we ask??  We have also been witnessing many massive shootings and demonstrations and protest and some becoming violent and then realizing that we are in the process of Radical Transformation and Exhilarated Evolution and suddenly….we are in a new norm…as we are co-creating the “New”.…. Let’s create a Peaceful and Loving one!


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