white hawk

Elements as Channels

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This white hawk formed in the sky sprays a few days ago. There has been much discussion on social media about how certain humans are able to channel messages from realms beyond us .. and how we must use our own discernment when reading words that come from other beings and places through humans. We are being given much information by different mediums to help us understand what is going on throughout disclosure and ascension. I think it is time too that we understand fully that channeling goes far beyond our own potential! The elements of nature are trying in so very many ways to communicate with us. Below are representative photos over the past two years. Without exception, and other than cropping the margins to show you the photos close up, none of these images have been manipulated by photo software in any way In each instance, I felt a presence or at least a sense that something important was being created by the cloud sprays, the wind, the sun and even fire/heat (bottom image). Included are HORSE, WHITE HAWK, CHIEF ON HORSE, BIRD WOMAN, CROSS, COMMANDER, CREATION, FOX, HEART WHALE and more I share these with trust and immense love and light!  dot.



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