
Daily Tarot Reading: 10 of Wands ~ 4/25/13

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10 of wands


You may think that you can get out of this eclipse season relatively unscathed. Unfortunately that may not be true for most of us. The Ten of Wands is today's card, which represents hard work and peseverance. You may be thrown for a loop by something which comes up today. The important thing is to release what no longer serves you. This card seems to be telling me that a "final test" of sorts will be coming up soon to judge your ability and perseverance to work through fear, difficult situations, etc. what have you. This is not something you should be worried about. However, if you feel like you are overwhelmed or completely lost just ask your angels and guide for a sign or for some help.


hollyirenecardoza's picture


"Idle No More January 11th - actions planned in Egypt, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States, and of course: Canada."

"#IdleNoMore Global Day of Action, Solidarity & Resurgence: January 11, 2013. We are calling on all nations and peoples, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to stand together and take action in your community in support of Idle No More—the rising, Indigenous Peoples' Movement."

Art: Andy Everson, Northwest Coast Artist

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