From the divine beigns of light that is gatered here today to these teachings will be the stabilization of new earth the fall is of complexity and was expected and is to rise again. Will be time for our information from beyond to attain sustainable amounts of joy after the meditative state (frozen or hardened by cold) Goosbumps/primal instinct's. This is building up energy around earth from one of the Tree's to the other's. Meaning conecting together unity and looking at options that are deaming down to best outcome for our mother earth GAIA Will dematerialize and rise to 5th dimension of 88 reality's and earth will merge all reality's together as is and uplift dematerialize and from a new withing big bang. We will have evolved and attain world peace for next thousand's of year's.
To acknowledge is better than to go into emotions of lower frequencie this is for mass population when we die we either go to god creator and is therefor conected of earth's energie's from core. One with all or all stolen all within one of reality's or parallel dimension's in eternal eyes know as the void where we see roaming endless sea's of souls=other dimensions=energy consciousness working on other plane's attained by quantum crystalization of dmt from impact befor death they are roaming endless seas and need to be rendered to god creator core at peace from interaction with to gain more neutral pull of inner core and attain stability. And if we stay in body The (3's) we can acknowledge those light beign of the dead and put them to god again for the cycle this will be of great joy for them and for ones walking within the void on physical earth of 3rd dimensional plane. We will call upon them within frequencie of tone/beat of higher joy intact with GRinD we will come and help dark an light conscious beings as they are of need of the purpose of life.